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Tomato - Pink Passion

Tomato - Pink Passion

Regular price $4.00 CAD
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Solanum lycopersicum
60 Days
Regular Leaf

Medium sized (4-8oz) red-pink heart shaped fruits on vigorous plants that can approach 3ft in height. Fruits have dense flesh, small seed cavities, and few seeds. Very nice flavour, a bit on the sweet side even in cooler years. Quite productive, and one of the earlier tomatoes to appear in our gardens. Disease resistance is good, but the plants get congested as the leaves tend to grow back in towards the middle of the canopy so I like to prune them fairly aggressively to ensure adequate airflow.

Introduced in 2015 by the Victory Seed Company, this Dwarf Tomato Project variety was selected and named by Linda Black from the Nosey family (Roza Vetrov X Anna Banana Russian, cross made by Patrina Nuske Small). Project members who contributed to the stabilization of Pink Passion include Paul Anguiano, Linda Black, Charlotte Burk, Dessica Dubin, Amanda Fischer, Dan Follet, Craig LeHoullier, Sherry Long, Gina McDermott, and Bill Minkey.

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