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Spinach - Crimson Veined

Spinach - Crimson Veined

Regular price $5.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $5.00 CAD
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Spinacea oleracea
45-50 days

This is a very beautiful spinach with red stems and veins, and green semi-savoy leaves with shapes ranging from oval to triangular. It's been a real treat seeing these go to seed, with big crimson stalks and seed clusters. What a cool plant! Leaf production is still quite good well into the flowering phase, so you'll be rewarded with salad if you let them stay in the garden as they go to flower.

My initial population was kinda ragtag and many plants were quick to bolt, but some individuals were just incredible so I was keen to try and clean things up a bit. For the past two years I've been selecting heavily for slow bolting, heat tolerance, and large dense rosettes. It still needs more work to adjust to the hot summers here, but this population has seen big improvements already.

Bred by Dylana Kapuler and Mario DiBenedetto of Peace Seedlings.

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