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Snow Pea - Oregon Snow

Snow Pea - Oregon Snow

Regular price $4.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $4.00 CAD
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Pisum sativum
Snow Pea
65 Days

Large wide green pods with the occasional blush and a nice balanced flavour on hyper-tendril plants that can reach about three feet in height. Cute flowers have a two-toned purple and white standard with crimson wings that match the blush on the pods.

There have been times when I wished I trellised these peas, and other times I wished I didn't. They seem to respond really well to a fertile garden plot, so if you've got your soil health dialed in a trellis probably couldn't hurt.

Bred by Alan Kapular with further selection by Dylana Kapuler and Mario DiBenedetto of Peace Seedlings who also provided our original stockseed.

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