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Snow Pea - Hugo's Edible Pod

Snow Pea - Hugo's Edible Pod

Regular price $4.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $4.00 CAD
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Pisum sativum
Snow Pea - Bush
45 Days

Early snow peas on short vines reaching two to three feet in height, with bicolour pink and crimson flowers. Green pods average about 3 inches long, with a nice sweet flavour. As an added bonus, the dried seeds make a fine soup pea.

I've grown these both with a trellis and without. They can get a little taller with some support, but I've been surprised at how sturdy they can be with only themselves to hang onto, so lately I've been letting them stand on their own.

Our original stockseed came from the Seed Saver's Exchange in 2019 when I participated in an ADAPT Snow Pea Trial. The variety was donated to SSE by Bob Nyhuis. He got it from his neighbour Hugo, whose parents brought the seed to the US from Holland in 1907.

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