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Snap Pea - Sugar Magnolia

Snap Pea - Sugar Magnolia

Regular price $4.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $4.00 CAD
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Pisum sativum
Snap Pea - Vine
70 Days

Beautiful purple podded snap pea on 7-8 ft green vines with two-toned purple flowers. Medium sweet, super delicious. Bred by Alan Kapuler, this is the first-ever purple podded snap pea.

When I was first trialling Sugar Magnolia and its sibling Magnolia Blossom, I had seed from several different sources. Some strains had hyper-tendrils, and others had normal looking tendrils. After some investigation I learned that the hyper-tendril trait was incorporated after the original variety release, and one of my sources was stewarding the original version.

I thought the combination of the two made for a nice illustration of how a variety can evolve, so you'll find both hyper-tendril and regular-tendril plants in my population.

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