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Pepper - Haskorea

Pepper - Haskorea

Regular price $4.00 CAD
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Capsicum annuum
75 Days
≈ 80,000 SHU

Syrian heirloom. Early for a hot pepper and a great choice for the short season capsaicin enthusiast, Haskorea has done very well in our gardens with little attention. Heat and drought tolerant plants grow about 18-20" tall, and produce 3" thin-walled semi-lobed fruits that taper to a blunt point and ripen to a lovely deep red. Support isn't strictly necessary, but the weight of the fruit can cause the plants to flop over a bit.

Our spiciness guesstimate is somewhere around 70-85,000 SHU - getting close to the bottom end of habanero territory, but not quite crossing the 100k threshold.

Our original seed sample came from the Experimental Farm Network, who traced its origins to the Bab al-Faraj seed market in the Syrian city of Aleppo in 1999.

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