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Onion - Storage Onion Grex

Onion - Storage Onion Grex

Regular price $4.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $4.00 CAD
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Allium cepa
85-90 Days
Day Neutral

A diverse genepool mix of open-pollinated storage onions. Produces a variety of bulb shapes in hues of yellow, pink, and red.

In my first year of seriously growing seeds, I was feeling impatient about how long it would take to curate a really diverse storage onion population. Fortunately for me, the folks at Wild Mountain Seeds had already done it. Couldn't have worked out better - it turns out they used many of the varieties I was planning to include in my own mix, and their short season alpine climate has a lot of similarity to the prairies.

Sure enough, their seeds did great so I decided to adopt the mix. I am selecting for long storage and disease resistance, aiming to keep as much diversity as I can in this excellent group of onions.

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