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Cucumber - Cucumbers Galore Grex

Cucumber - Cucumbers Galore Grex

Regular price $6.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $6.00 CAD
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Cucumis sativus
55 Days

This is a sturdy and diverse mix of slicing cucumbers. Early and high yielding, this population was selected by Casey Piscura for superior greenhouse performance - it is very resistant to powdery mildew and produces mostly parthenocarpic and gynoecious plants. I like to grow these in the field with no irrigation, and they seem quite content there as well. In my gardens they are among the first cucumbers to appear and keep on churning out fruit until frost arrives. Developed by market gardeners, this mix is a great choice for commercial and home growers alike.

Our original seedstock comes from Wild Mountain Seedsm, who introduced this mix in 2020.

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