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Cilantro - Pokey Joe

Cilantro - Pokey Joe

Regular price $4.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $4.00 CAD
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Coriandrum sativum
55 Days Leaf, 90 Days Seed

Slow growing, bolt-resistant, with excellent leaf production on a relatively large frame. Excellent insectary plant if allowed to bloom. This cilantro is known for being extra tasty, and I have to agree. It has a certain flavour quality that sets it apart from other cilantro varieties, and is supposedly palatable to those who might otherwise dislike the taste.

The young roots can be used to lend a different sort of fresh cilantro flavour to a dish, and it's also well worth letting the plants mature into a coriander crop. Lately I've been getting really into using the immature green seed pods for a simple marinade - muddle them into a juicy paste with some finely diced onions, then add some lime or lemon juice, olive oil, and salt. This is an especially tasty marinade for anything cooked on an open flame.

As the name suggests, these plants are slow to grow AND germinate, and I've been having a tough time getting accurate germination test results. The plants do really well in the garden, but so far whenever I try to do a controlled test I have mixed results. I'll figure it out eventually, but in the meantime I'm offering them here without a specific test result because I'm confident that they'll grow just  in your garden, and I'm really ex excited to share this delicious cilantro.

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