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Bean - Bobby Blue Jay

Bean - Bobby Blue Jay

Regular price $4.00 CAD
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Phaseolus vulgaris
Bush Bean
55 Days Fresh, 90 Days Dry
NCS Original

Delicious sweet flavour as a snap bean, and can also be used as a dry bean. Produces stringless green and yellow pods with purple speckles on compact bush plants. The dry beans are a lovely deep navy blue with beige speckles, with some showing the inverse - navy speckles on beige coloured seeds.

I've named this strain after my most excellent farm dog Bobby to differentiate from the original Blue Jay variety, which came from a chance outcross of Comtesse de Chambord in the gardens of Russ Crow in 1977. As an off-type enthusiast, I was naturally intrigued when I heard its story. Even more so when I tried it and the beans I grew were not as expected!

The strain I am stewarding is different from all of the descriptions I've read so far, and I've confirmed the details with Russ. The original Blue Jay produces a stringless green bean with subtle purple stripes, and seeds that are dark navy blue with beige speckles.

My original sample came from Prairie Garden Seeds, whose population produces the same two seed colours as mine, but green pods only. I can't be sure what caused the yellow pods to manifest, so now I have another entry in my collection of bean genetics riddles that I may or may not solve one day.


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